Where to Start - The Plan

There has never been a time when I wasn't interested in learning new things. Yes, very cliche, I know. When I was in high school, I was interested in all the different classes that were available; Pyschology,  Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology... I was interested in what each discipline had to offer. 

I tried to reach a "source" and it led me to Philosophy. I studied Philosophy for my Bachelors degree. However, that never really scratched the itch. It may have been the origin of the method to acquire all knowledge, but it certainly did not include the breadth of all knowledge. 

I have since tried to think of ways that it would be possible to attempt to learn all things there is available to know. This is wildly ambitious and naive. But I think it is possible establishing through various methods with a single principle: Exponential Learning.

Exponential can be mathematically represented by 2^x.

How can this be applied to learning?

What is learning? Learning is the acquisition of  new information, being able to recall, and apply this information. 

Exponential Learning: "The process of energized learning that leads to a desire to learn even more about a given subject."

Theoretically, exponentially learning is possible. Increasing the amount of information that is acquired and retained within a specific amount of time. This means investing time in retention, and investing time in rate of acquisition.

However, there are many peices of the puzzle that should be considered: Learning How to Learn, Speed Reading, Feynman Technique, Spaced Repitition, Exposure Overload, Making Connections Across Disciplines, Writing, Deep Dive Approach, Following a Thread, Ground Up, Main Trunk to Branch, 3D Web Network...
